Thursday, March 29, 2007

What's Left for the French

My French army is nearing completion. Here are the statistics:

Infantry has 20 of 25 battalions

  • 2 have not been ordered yet
  • 3 are primed but not yet painted by me

Cavalry has 22 of 30 squadrons

  • 4 are on order (woo hoo! Front Rank 13th Cuirassiers…Big figures!)
  • 4 are on hand but not primed for painting by me

Artillery has 4 of 5 batteries

  • 1 is not yet ordered

However, I do have some other resources. I have 2 Baden battalions, a Baden battery, and a French dragoon regiment that were not part of the original plan, so I can now put the right number of units on the board, just not the ones planned!

There is one drawback, though. The sudden surge of reinforcements outstripped the basing service--which is me! I decided that basing all the figures myself would help them tie them together visually. I have used up all of my first purchases of Litko bases, and am awaiting delivery on the rest. Then I have to actually terrain and flock the bases.

Flags are another matter. I am using GMB Flags. I have most of those required on hand, but still need to put then on the figures. In some cases I have good flagpoles, but I don't have enough. Any recommendations?

Sadly, I am having camera and photography skill meltdown, so no pictures tonight!

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